TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The Effects of Using Digital Technology on Reading, Writing And Speech
Publishing houses, libraries, printing houses, bookstores are more and more replaced by internet, which gives us almost instantaneous access, a click away, to information from a library that is unprecedented in size and width. Digital reading offers, first of all, some advantages. It saves paper, in a world where environmental concerns are increasingly widespreading. It can facilitate access to libraries and information in various fields. However, digital sources seem to be beneficial in the learning process that requires only practice or repetition, not creation and reflection. The printed book, unlike the almost invariable monotony of electronic texts, offers a wealth of information: its volume, the quality of paper and printing, the smell of the sheet and printing ink, the calligraphy of the fonts etc. In addition, it leaves room for long daydreaming, creating sentimental connections, through the possibility of marking, underlining, highlighting passages, which involve the reader intellectually or emotionally. The volume and importance of the books one has read is connected to the richness and elegance of the language. The time spent on TV, computer, games, leads to a difficult and poor expression, with verbal stereotypes, clichés and tautologies, to problems of memorizing words, even in the mother tongue.