TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The trials of Bishop Nicolae Colan (1893-1967)
Except for the first four years as bishop (1936-1940) when he enjoyed a relative social and political calmness, the other 17 years (1940-1957) as Bishop of Cluj meant, for Metropolitan Nicolae Colan the horrors of World War II, when Northern Transylvania was torn apart from the Nation’s body, through the Viena Diktat, with all its humiliations, terror and death that followed for the Romanian people în those four years of foreign occupation. Bishop Nicolae Colan kept fulfilling, wisely and tactfully, his responsabilities as the spiritual father of Vad, Feleac and Cluj Diocese. The article highlights some aspects of the bishop’s work, the trials and ordeals he endured as bishop of Cluj during the Viena Diktat and after the establishment of communisme, as shown în the minutes of the Diocesan Council.