TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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A fiery man in the entourage of Bishop Nicholas Ivan
The great foundations of the diocese of Cluj could not have been made by Bishop Nicholas alone, but only surrounded by a plethora of great men. Among them, Father Academician Ioan Lupaș. His personality was an exceptional one. He always fought for the affirmation of the Romanian element in the University of Cluj and the victory of Orthodoxy. Academician Ioan Lupaș contributed to the re-establishment of the Diocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, helping Nicolae Ivan in his tumultuous endeavor to set up an institution essential for the spiritual life in Transylvania. Nicolae Ivan had been his religion professor at Sibiu and, when the issue about electing a bishop in Cluj arised, he opted for him. He then taught in the Theological Academy established here, in addition to the courses he held at the university. He was always a close and good counselor of Bishop Nicholas Ivan.