TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The Romanian Church and the political unity of Romania
In Transylvania, the Romanian Church played an important role, a major social role of relief and support, in a foreign state, which fought not only against the “pagans and heretics”, but also against “schismatics”, ie Eastern Christians. The Church led the Romanians during all the great moments of their struggle for national emancipation and the construction of the Romanian national state, from the Supplex Libellus Valachorum (XVIIIth century), through 1848-1849 and through the Memorandum (1892-1894) until the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia, 1 December 1918. Now thinking about Romanian unity over time, we can’t explain it without the contribution of their faith and church. That is why, one hundred years after the Great Union, it is appropriate to pay tribute to the church, that is, to our world, to the universe of our faith, to the fighting and confessing martyrs.