TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The Religious Experience in Constanţa Buzea’s Poetry


IULIA RĂDAC, The Religious Experience in Constanţa Buzea’s Poetry
After WWII, the religious poetry was a less common species, but even more interesting as it emerged
during an unfavorable historical context of a laicized society. Due to the fact that the religious aspect
was disguised in the literary dimensions of the books, the religious verses written by the poetesses
of the 60s haven’t drawn critics’ attention. Among these, Constanţa Buzea’s poetry books published
after 1989 are the explicit result of a profoundly religious experience and a deep study may reveal a
constant presence of the religious element right from her fi rst volumes.
In Constanţa Buzea’s Christian poetry, the sacred manifests in several hypostases, which, without
excluding one another – as it was sometimes noted by critics –, adds up original traits to the work of
the poetess. Be it the religious vocabulary inserted in the poetic discourse that follows laic themes,
the “melancholic religiosity” seen as erotic act, or a religious sense that fl oods the entire exterior
existence of the poetess, the religious component is intrinsic to Constanţa Buzea’s lyrics, the poetess
being not just one of the most important voices in the Romanian poetry after WWII, but also a rare
case of redemption through poetry – a redemption in the most authentic Christian sense.
KEYWORDS: poetry, Constanţa Buzea, religious experience, sacred