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Paul Sterian analysis on the Romanian economy

CAMELIA SURUIANU, Paul Sterian analysis on the Romanian economy
Endowed with a particularly fi ne sense of observation, Paul Sterian was remarked in the interwar
period mainly because of his economic studies. Deeply marked by the distressing situation of Romania
after World War I, he began to study very earnestly the global economic movements. Thus,
at the age of twenty-fi ve years, respectively in 1929, he succeds to complete a pioneering thesis
in economics, La Roumanie et la reparation des dommages de guerre, obtaining his PhD at the
Sorbonne University.
After he returned to Romania, Paul Sterian argued his views on various public conferences, the
most famous ones being organized by the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest.
His studies that were preserved until today in the University Library in Bucharest include:
The problems of economic forecasting in four conferences (1930), Cyclical variations of Romanian
production (1930), The pan-Romanian ideal and the economic development of the country (1938).
His serious approach of the subjects happily merge with his deep insights in this area. Even though
decades have passed since he was analyzing economic indices, his studies prove useful to the reader
even in the present context.