TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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World War Three shall be a religious war

BORIS BUZILĂ, World War Three shall be a religious war
Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet empire and its dominant ideology there was a crisis of
the collective consciousness, suddenly “found” in the situation of not knowing and not having “what
to believe”. Society lacked “transcendental reference” mentioned by Debray, the French author who
invoked, in support of community cohesion, a “collective holiness”, profane, the fact that a human
community can not exist without transcendence.
But soon began to emerge tendencies to fi nd a substitute for the Marxist-Leninist ideology that had
become obsolete: the “Russian idea”. For over two decades now, intellectual elites, but also the entire
society, tried to develop a defi nition which would refl ect the determinants of this concept.
KEYWORDS: Regis Debray, Russian idea, soviet empire, rusian-turk relations, archpriest Vsevolod
Ceaplin, dialogue between civilizations, freedom