TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Outstanding People – laymen and clergy – speaking at the funeral of Bishop
Nicolae Ivan (February 6th, 1936)

ALEXANDRU MORARU, Outstanding People – laymen and clergy – speaking at the funeral of Bishop
Nicolae Ivan (February 6th, 1936)
Important personalities of the Orthodox church in Transylvania, Bishop Nicolae Ivan (1855-1936)
of Vad, Feleac and Cluj (1921-1936) proved to be not only a model bishop, of high morality, but also
a scholar and a man with an obvious sense of civic and social responsibility; for these qualities, he
was conferred the rank of honorary member of the Romanian Academy; among his achievements,
we mention only those from Cluj: obtaining the current eparchial residence, building the Orthodox
Cathedral of Cluj and the church “Saint Nicholas” in the same city, establishing the University
Theological Orthodox Institute of Cluj, where he promoted representative teachers, opening the
diocesan Printing House and founding the religious journal Renasterea etc. He passed away on February
3rd, 1936, and was buried on February 6th, 1936, in the crypt under the altar of the Orthodox
Cathedral of Cluj; during his funeral, important laymen and clergy honored through their words
the signifi cant achievements of Bishop Nicolae Ivan of Cluj, considered as the most representative
bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the fi rst decades of the twentieth century.
KEYWORDS: bishop Nicolae Ivan, funeral of Bishop Nicolae Ivan, bishop Roman Ciorogariu, Fr. Ioan