TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Chronicle of a peasant life

Simion Retegan, Chronicle of a peasant life
This text is based on a speech held on April 25, 2105 at the “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, on the occasion of the book launch of Cismaş Simion from Monor, Călindar 1937-1981.
However, what this journal shows above all is how a peasant family provides their daily bread in this era of modernization of rural areas, the progress they make, how is this progress affecting, in terms of quantity and quality, the level of their living conditions – food, shelter, clothing – and of their sanitary conditions and health status, as well as the education of children and the general level of culture.
Keywords: Simion Cismaş, Călindar, Monor, Romanian village, moral values