TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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For the altar can stand and stones can hold, they ask for your heart and your life to be buried as foundation

† Andrei Andreicuţ, Altarul ca să fie şi pietrele să ţie, cer inima şi viaţa zidite-n temelie (For the altar can stand and stones can hold, they ask for your heart and your life to be buried as foundation)
The article deals with several issues regarding the mission of orthodox priests, parishes and monasteries today, such as: 1. A parish not involved in missionary activities, begining with its priest, is very likely to fail; 2. A monastery that is not a center of spirituality, able to spiritualy influence the area, has missed its purpose; 3. For the parish and the monastery to do well their mission, the priest and the abbot must burn; 4. The enthousiastic debut of the priest and the abbot must be done in theological schools.

Keywords: mission, parish, monastery, priesthood, theology schools