TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Eminescu and the Transylvanian spirit


Article Eminescu and the Transylvanian spirit is centered around the idea that young Eminescu was fascinated by Transylvania, seeking the opportunity to know personalities and places there, whose images later, were to mark his work. At first there were shaping personalities who played a major role in setting the lines of his evolution and which have aroused his interest in the Romanians living beyond mountains: Aron Pumnul, at whose death he writes a funeral ode, Andrei Muresan, which he evokes in the poem Mureşanu. Two other personalities, Iosif Vulcan Metropolitan Andrei Saguna, have a special situation.

The author believes that Eminescu`s wanderings throughout Transylvania, especially at Blaj are part of a revealing experience and analyzes its effects both in preparing his debut as a publicist and in substantiating a certain type of perception of existential experiences, affecting Eminescu`s ideology.

keywords: Eminescu, Transylvania, personalities, experiences, Brasov, Blaj