TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Ana Pop Sîrbu - The Angel in the Wall


The article is a review of the volume of poetry The Angel in the Wall [Îngerul din zid] by Ana Pop Sîrbu. The volume was published by the well-known Brumar Publishing House, under the patronage of editor poet Robert Șerban. The poems in the volume The Angel in the Wall have a similar subject, although the stylistic discourse differs, to the ones of the Psalms, a species that is triumphantly approached in the Bible by Judean kings Solomon and David. This species is cultivated in the entire world literature, where the Romanian literature plays its role starting with Dosoftei and continuing with M. Eminescu, L. Blaga, T. Arghezi, V. Voiculescu, Ieromonahul Sandu Tudor, Radu Gyr, Sefan Aug. Doinaş, Ioan Alexandru, Daniel Turcea et. al. The volume also entails great illustrations with color reproductions of Septimiu Sîrbu`s works.

Keywords: Ana Pop Sîrbu, The Angel in the Wall, poetry, psalms, literature, devotion