TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The Râmnic Euchologion (1706) and the First Romanian Hieratikon Printed by Saint Hierarch Antimos of Iberia


In 1706, the first Hieratikon in the Romanian language in Wallachia was published at Râmnic, being bound with the Euchologion, also published in Romanian. The effort of translating the text from Greek and of printing it belonged to Metropolitan Antimos of Iberia and his team of disciples. Although, in 1679, the Metropolitan of Moldavia, Dosoftei, had tried to render in Romanian the most utilized text in the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Liturgy, he only managed to produce a poetical version that wasn`t adopted within the church service. Metropolitan Antimos of Iberia`s effort from 1706 established the liturgy in Romanian within the churches. The text was printed separately in 1713 at Târgovişte and it was reproduced in successive printings until today.

Keywords: Hieratikon, Antimos of Iberia, the Romanian language