Abbot Siluan and Russia during His Time. The Biography and Abbot Siluan`s Own Testimonies in the Context of the Russian Society and of the Russian Orthodox Church at the End of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century
(p. )
Transdisciplinary Elements in the Patristic Byzantine Thinking
Barsauma`s Reform in the Nestorian Church. Causes, Cancellation, and Consequences
Pr. Professor Dumitru Stăniloae, D.Th. Reflections about the Romanian People. Between the Orient and the Occident
The Delight of the Byzantine Musical Art in the Former Times and Today
A Troubled Man
The Church and the Monarchy
The Role of the Priest`s Wife in the Life and Mission of the Priest
The Man Who Sanctifies His Place
Interview with Father Remus Grama, by Anca Sîrghie
PETRU PINCA, Istoricul Episcopiei Armatei (cu sediul la Alba-Iulia) între anii 1921-1948, Alba-Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2013, 451 p.
GHEORGHE DĂNCILĂ, Tăbliţe de lut, Alba Iulia, Editura Altip, 2013, 168 p.
Cuvioasa Melania Romana, Binefăcătoarea sau cum devin bogaţii sfinţi, ed. a II.a, trad. Maria-Cornelia şi diac Ioan I. Ică jr, Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2011, 249 p.