ANDREI ANDREICUŢ Bishop Nicolae Ivan, refounder of Cluj Diocese, born in the traditional Tran- sylvanian village and become the father of the Transylvanian Metropolis (p. 5-8)
ION TALOŞ Holy Sun, Holy Great Lord (p. 9-17)
CONSTANŢA CRISTESCU The Village Dance – tradition and perspective (p. 18-23)
COSTION NICOLESCU “A Pack of Real Wolves Flew Over The Village.” The Last Book of the Millen- nium. Terror and Wisdom. Uncle Gore – A Peasant of Our Times (p. 28-34)
AUGUSTIN MOCANU Biblical and Apocryphal Carols – Poetical Texts in the Sălaj-Codru Area – (p. 35-44)
DAN VARIU The Journey of a Carol: A Compositional Metaphor (p. 45-52)
RĂZVAN IONESCU The Discreet Charm of the Village (p. 53-61)
COSMINA TIMOCE-MOCANU „Today they mock and laugh at those interested in folklore... ”. Interwar lines about the drawbacks of a profession
(p. 63-69)
PETRE DANCI The identity of the Romanian village and its uncertain future. Pastoral missionary programs for revitalizing life in rural areas (p. 70-79)
RĂZVAN IONESCU Esop Used to Give me Candies (p. 83-93)
ERNEST BERNEA What Is Time and What It Means to Be in Time (p. 97-99)
ALEXANDRU IONIŢĂ Review to PENTICOSTAR PAISIAN cuprinzînd cîntări psaltice, traduse, alcătuite şi exighisite de sfinţii părinţi paisieni Iosif Monahul, Macarie Ieromonahul, Visarion Ieromonahul, Calinic Ieromonahul şi de alţi cuvioşi părinţi care au vieţuit în obştile paisiene, acum pentru întîia dată tipărite în limba română. Ediţie îngijită de monahul Filotheu Bălan de la Mănăstirea Sfinţilor Arhangheli Petru Vodă - Neamţ, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti 2018, 656 p. (p. 103-106)
NICOLETA PĂLIMARU Book Review to Recenzie la MARINA DUMITRESCU, Tu, adică eu, Editura Vinea, Bucureşti, 2019 (p. 106-107)
GABRIEL NOJE Book Review to PR. PROF. DR. DUMITRU BELU, Despre iubire, Basilica, Bucureşti, 2016, 302 p. (p. 107-109) |