ANDREI ANDREICUŢ Two of the five late patriarchs of Romania commemorated this year (p. 5-7)
ALEXANDRU MORARU Some major ideas found in Nicodim Munteanu speeches on his ascending to the dignity of bishop of Huşi and that of metropolitan of Moldova and Suceava (p. 8-17)
IOAN CHIRILĂ The patriarch Nicodim Munteanu - translator, visionary and opponent of the „red sun that was invading Romania” (p. 18-21)
VERONICA TURCUŞ, ŞERBAN TURCUŞ The romanian orthodox church at the beginning of the Stalinist Regime: the social apostolate and the missionary guidance classes in Cluj (p. 22-38)
DAN CIACHIR Hearing to Patriarch Iustin (p. 39-41)
MIRCEA BASARAB Patriarch Iustin Moisescu, biblist and professor of theology (p. 42-52)
MIRCEA GELU BUTA Death of Patriarch Nicodim and installation of Patriarch Justinian Marina (p. 53-58)
COSMIN COSMUŢA Significant thoughts in Metropolitan Nicodim Munteanu’s speeches on his ascending to the dignity of Patriarch of Romania (p. 59-65)
MIRCEA GHEORGHE ABRUDAN Patriarch Nicodim evoked by the Transylvanian hierarchs: “friend”, “scholar” and “wise storyteller” (p. 66-76)
PAUL-ERSILIAN ROŞCA Patriarch Nicodim Munteanu and King Carol II. Election and investment of a patriarch during Carol’s regime (p. 77-87)
DACIAN BUT-CĂPUŞAN Book Review to MIHAIL DIACONESCU, Icoane din trecut şi de azi. Portrete, evocări, mărturii, Ed. Magic Print, Oneşti, 2017, 760 p. (p. 91-92)
MAXIM MORARIU Book Review to PATRIARHUL IUSTIN, Ierarhia bisericească în Epoca Apostolică, ed. Liliana Comănescu, Editura Argeşului şi Muscelului, Editura Anastasia, Bucureşti, Piteşti, 2002 (p. 93-94)
COSMINA TĂMAŞ Book Review to TEODOR BACONSCHI, Averea bunei educaţii, Editura Univers, 2019, 240 p. (p. 94-95) |