BARTOLOMEU PATRIARHUL ECUMENIC Inaugural Speech of at the World Children’s Day Celebration Event (Geneva,
Ecumenical Center, 21 November 2018) (p. 5-9)
PHILIP LEMASTER Embodied Persons, Male and Female. Thoughts on the Body and Personal
identity (p. 13-15)
IONIŢĂ APOSTOLACHE Apologetic Incursions in the History of Romanian Spirituality. Arguments of a
dialogue between faith, philosophy and culture (p. 16-30)
ADRIAN IONIŢĂ Vladimir Lossky - elements of neo-patristic Christology (p. 31-38)
FLORIN CLAUDIU DANIEL The Books of the Maccabees’ position in The Old Testament biblical canon (p. 39-46)
BORIS BUZILĂ Gala Galaction: a case of consciousness (p. 49-52)
DAN CIACHIR Interwar Scenes (IV) (p. 53-57)
MIRCEA GELU BUTA, ADRIAN ONOFREIU Alexandru Vaida-Voevod’s Historical Discourse in the Hungarian Parliament (p. 58-70)
RĂZVAN IONESCU The lost paradise of innocence from a white page (p. 73-82)
PETRE GURAN Canonical hardness of hearts: The Ukrainian Crisis of Orthodoxy (p. 85-90)
MAXIM MORARIU Two perspectives on Shusaku Endo (p. 93-96)
MAXIM MORARIU Book Review to CASIAN RUŞEŢ (coord.), Statutul actual pentru organizarea şi
funcţionarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române – simpozion Internaţional, Caransebeş
(6-8 Octombrie 2015), Cluj-Napoca / Caransebeş, Ed. Presa Universitară
Clujeană (p. 99-100)
MIHAI-OCTAVIAN GROZA Book Review to POMPILIU CIOLACU, Icoana de vatră în sudul Carpaţilor
Meridionali, ediţie reeditată şi adăugită, Târgu-Jiu, Editura Centrului
Judeţean pentru Conservarea şi promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Gorj, 2017, 125
p. (p. 100-102) |