BARTOLOMEU PATRIARHUL ECUMENIC The Common Christian Agenda for the Common Good (Vatican, May 26, 2018) (p. 5-13)
IGNATIE AL DIMITRIADEI Protecting the Dignity of God’s Children in Life and Work (p. 14-17)
SIMEON PINTEA Presence and Work of the Word in the Revelation of the Old Testament and in the Cosmic Temple
of Creation (p. 21-27)
DRAGOŞ LUCIAN CURELEA, DANIELA ŞTEFANIA CURELEA Considerations on Father Justinian Teculescu’s Work as Bishop: The Military Bishop of Alba
Iulia (1923-1924) and Bishop of Cetatea Albă and Ismail (1924-1932) (p. 28-37)
FLORIAN DUMITRU SOPORAN Mission and challenges of alterity at the Christianitas frontiers: The Crusade and its meanings
in Central-Eastern Europe (p. 38-45)
GABRIEL NOJE Euthanasia between legitimacy and challenge. Three arguments in favor of euthanasia and their
evaluation from a theological perspective (p. 46-60)
DAN CIACHIR Old Paintings (IX) (p. 63-67)
DANA CAVALERU Olga Greceanu and the national character in painting (p. 68-74)
ION ALEXANDRU MIZGAN "In the historiography dedicated to religious union, the works of the historian Silviu Dragomir
represent reference contributions" (p. 77-87)
MAXIMILIAN MENUŢ Book Review to ION ALEXANDRU MIZGAN, Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur – Arhiepiscop la Constantinopol,
Editura „Theosis”, Oradea (p. 91-94)
MIRCEA GHEORGHE ABRUDAN Book Review to MIRCEA PĂCURARIU, Sfinţi daco-romani şi români, ediţia a patra, Editura
Basilica, Bucureşti,2013, 384 p. + 61 ilustraţii color. (p. 95-96)
RADU BOTIŞ Book Review to IEROM MAXIM (IULIU-MARIUS) MORARIU, Restitutio Grigore Pletosu, Editura
Renaşterea / Eikon, Cluj-Napoca, 2014 (p. 97-98) |