MIRCEA BASARAB Unity of Romanians (nation, language, faith) in the prefaces of the 16th and 17th centuries church books (p. 5-18)
GRIGORE DINU MOŞ Holiness and Saints in the Tradition and Teaching of the Orthodox Church. Current challenges and possible reformulations (p. 19-35)
DAN CIACHIR Old Paintings (VI) (p. 39-41)
IOAN ŞT. LAZĂR Mircea the Great and his votive portrait from Cozia monastery (p. 45-53)
CONSTANTIN CUBLEŞAN Petru Movilă – the storyteller (p. 54-58)
CIPRIAN SONEA Dogma or antinomy transfigured as expression of the transcendent (p. 61-65)
RODICA MĂDUŢA Transylvanian Universe and Spirit at Ioan Alexandru (II) (p. 66-89)
OVIDIU MOCEANU The Poetic Unit of a Complex Work (p. 93-96)
POLICARP CHIŢULESCU Book Review to IOANA FEODOROV, Tipar pentru creştinii arabi - Antim Ivireanul, Atanasie Dabbās şi Silvestru al Antiohiei, Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei „Carol I”, Brăila, 2016, 400 p. (p. 99-100)
CLAUDIU-IOAN COMAN Book Review to PROF. UNIV. DR. MIHAIL DIACONESCU, Lainici. Capodoperă a artei româneşti şi europene, Editura Evanghelismos, Bucureşti, 2011, pp. 259. (p. 101-108) |