ANDREI ANDREICUŢ Our Wonderful Spiritual Fathers (p. 5-9)
ALEXANDRU MORARU Prince Mihai Viteazul (1593-1601) - Soldier of Christ and Defender of European Christendom (p. 10-16)
BORIS BUZILĂ The unfinished Synod (p. 19-23)
DAN CIACHIR Three notes (p. 24-27)
FELICIA DUMAS Archimandrite Placide Deseille about Patriarch Justinian Marina (p. 28-31)
ANCA SÎRGHIE The actuality of Tudor Arghezi’s Psalms (p. 35-38)
MIRELA-IOANA BORCHIN, CĂTĂLIN VARGA A Word about the Family Bible Code (p. 39-44)
MARIUS-DANIEL CIOBOTĂ The Biblical Introductions of Metropolitan Bartolomeu Anania. A literary chart (p. 45-62)
CAMELIA SURUIANU The Acatist of St. Demetrius Basarabov the New - a litany dedicated by Sandu Tudor to the protector of the capital (p. 63-66)
ALEXANDRU-IONUŢ PETRIŞOR The environmental crisis and secularism (p. 69-72)
MIRCEA GELU BUTA Re-sacralization of doctor-patient relationship (p. 73-77)
EMILIA NICOLETA SCHIOP Influence of Religion in the Europeanization of the Western Balkans (p. 78-85)
DACIAN BUT-CĂPUŞAN (Book Review to NICOLAE DRAGOŞ KEREKES - Sfântul Iustin Martirul şi Filosoful, Ed. Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2016, 414 p. (p. 89-90)
COSMIN BIRIŞ Book Review to PR. MAXIM (IULIU- MARIUS) MORARIU, Preoţii năsăudeni şi „Astra” – 1861 – 1918, Editura Charmides / Editura Argonaut, Bistriţa / Cluj-Napoca, 2016 (p. 91-94)
MAXIM MORARIU Book Review to ARHIEPISCOPUL VASILI KRIVOŞEIN, Amintiri din două lumi. De la Revoluţie la Biserica înrobită, col. „Mari teologi ai secolului XX”, vol. 8, trad. Ciprian Vidican, Editura Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2016 (p. 94-97) |