NICOLAE COLAN The Church of the nation and the unity of the Romanian language (p. 5-16)
ANDREI ANDREICUŢ Semicentenary of Metropolitan Nicolae Colan’s moving to eternal life (p. 19-20)
HORIA COLAN Appreciation and gratitude on the anniversary of Metropolitan Nicolae Colan’s birth into everlasting life (April 15, 1967) (p. 21-29)
ALEXANDRU MORARU Dogmatic and moral teachings in the pastoral letters on Christmas and Easter of Metropolitan Nicolae Colan of Transylvania (1957-1967) (p. 30-46)
IOAN CHIRILĂ Nicolae Colan – A role model of resistance through faith (p. 47-51)
IUSTIN TIRA The trials of Bishop Nicolae Colan (1893-1967) (p. 52-59)
ŞTEFAN ILOAIE Reorganization of theological education, as viewed by Nicolae Colan (p. 60-64)
IOAN LĂCĂTUŞU Pages from Metropolitan Nicolae Colan’s family chronicle (p. 65-77)
COSMIN COSMUŢA Archbishop Nicolae Colan of Transylvania (1957-1967) - two important moments during his time in Sibiu: the installation as bishop and his passing into eternity (p. 78-91)
BOGDAN IVANOV Bishop Nicolae Colan and Bishop Iuliu Hossu, flashbacks of a brotherly closeness (p. 92-96)
ALEXANDRU SURDU A theme caleidoscope in the writings of Nicolae Colan (p. 97-106)
MIRCEA GHEORGHE ABRUDAN Bishop Nicolae Colan viewed by a contemporary erudite: Laudatio uttered by historian Silviu Dragomir upon the Bishop’s acceptance into the Romanian Academy (p. 107-119)
CĂLIN EMILIAN CIRA „I really miss Rohia ...”. Testimonies of Archbishop Justinian Chira about Bishop Nicolae Colan (p. 120-124)
OVIDIU MOCEANU Book-Review to: Romulus Cândea, Studii şi articole, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2015, 351 p. (p. 127-128)
NICOLAE TURCAN Book-Review to: George Remete, Ființă şi credință, vol. III: Credința, Ed. Paideia, Bucureşti, 2016, 623 p. (p. 128-130)
MIRCEA GHEORGHE ABRUDAN Book-Review to: IOAN VASILE LEB, KONSTANTIN NIKOLAKOPOULOS, ILIE URSA (Hg.), Die Orthodoxe Kirche in der Selbstdarstellung. Ein Kompendium, în seria Lehr- und Studienbücher Orthodoxe Theologie, Band 4, Lit Verlag, Berlin 2016, 340 p. (p. 130-132)
MAXIM MORARIU Book-Review to: MIRCEA GELU BUTA, ADRIAN ONOFREIU, Bistriţa Bârgăului. Lupta familiei Monda pentru Biserică, Şcoală şi Naţiune, seria „Valea Bârgăului – Documente. Istorie. Mărturii”, vol. 4, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2015 (p. 133-135) |