"Children and young people are well educated with increasing age wise"
(p. )
"Nativity - Feast of humanity and joy"Pastoral Nativity - 2015
"King Herod"
The monk in grace according to elder Sophrony summary
The Fall of Constantinople according to Gennadius Scholarios
Christian mission viewed by archpriest Grigore Pletosu (1848-1932)
The courts of the Lord
Old cars
“The Orthodoxy” journal in the 50s
Some aspects of Metropolitan Tit Simedrea’s life. 2016 - 130 years since his birth
Theology and philosophy at Jean-Luc Marion
What should we do for New Year?A short meditation on the practice of sharing the great feasts
Mircea Gelu Buta, Adrian Onofreiu, Bistrita Bargaului
Archimandrite. Dumitru Cobzaru, Monograph Monastery ""Assumption of the Virgin Mary"" - Nicula, Ed. Ecclesia, Nicula, 2015.
Maxim Ieromonah Morariu, St. Constantin Brancoveanu. A model for today youth, Cluj-Napoca, Renasterea Publishing House, 2015, 73 p.