Justinian Teculescu Bishop of the Army and General Inspector of the Romanian
Military Clergy (1923-1924) Justinian Teculescu was one of the four bishops of the Army Diocese based in
Alba Iulia. He was at the same time a general inspector of the Romanian
military clergy with the rank of brigadier general, in this capacity being
concerned with the formation and education of a military clerical corps to
serve the country through the institution of the Military Diocese of Alba Iulia
in the various garrisons of Greater Romania. Between April 1923 and December
1924, together with a group of officers and representatives of the General
Staff, the military priests Serafim Iosif, Ilie Hociotă and Ioan Dăncilă drew
up a Regulation that would be useful to the garrison priest. At the same time,
from the high confessional and military dignity he held, he took care of the
moral education of the staff and troops, seeking to form a special, unique bond
based on respect and trust, between the military command and the confessor of
the unit, as well as between the confessor and troops. DANIELA ŞTEFANIA CURELEA, DRAGOŞ LUCIAN CURELEA |