St. Basil the Great and Dacian-Roman Christianity in the north of the Danube In this study the author presents first the Christianity north of the Danube; he shows then how St. Basil the Great was perceived in the Romanian historiography; his connections with the confessors of Christ in today’s Dobrudja (clergy, political leaders or common believers); regarding the lat- ter, he describes the persecutions against Christians in Dacia and Scythia Minor (Dobrudja) in the fourth century, with special regard to the martyrdom of St. Sabbas the Goth in Buzau; hence, the correspondence of St. Basil the Great with the ecclesiastic and secular authorities of the time about sending the relics of Saint Sabbas the Goth in Cappadocia, where the great hierarch was residing, fact that eventually happened.Finally, the author shows how the St. Basil the Great was seen by the Romanian faithful (in divine services, in monastic spirituality, in religious art, in social work, and many Romanian Orthodox believers are named after him). ALEXANDRU MORARU |