Re-sacralization of doctor-patient relationship There comes a time when the doctor realizes that his life is not so good, lacking meaning and satisfaction that the profession was trying to offer before. As part of the new medical economy, adjusted to the market economy, the doctor faces a growing professional competition, increased by the fact that European countries have visible difficulties in financing health. The patient, in turn, finds himselfin the situation of having a consumer behaviour and not only he wants to be satisfied, but also pleased with the quality of medical care services he receives. Although the doctor has the monopoly of decision on medical investigations, treatment and care by virtue of his diploma of study (brand attraction), the patient cannot have total confidence in him, unless the doctor is willing to listen to his life and health problems, unless he is helped to overcome the bureaucratic obstacles of the hospital or, in other words, if the doctor will pay personalized attention. Depending on the satisfaction of those needs, the patient will express the degree of appreciation and fidelity to the doctor and the medical structure in which the doctor operates. Respecting the ontological dimension of the patient, expressing a perfect medical behavior in determining the diagnostic and prescribing therapy, and providing high quality health care services advocate for the need of re-sacralization of doctor-patient relationship, aspect desired by both stakeholders and the whole society. MIRCEA GELU BUTA |