Votive paintings of high dignitaries from Moldova (15th-16th centuries) This study analyzes some of the votive paintings of Moldovan high dignitaries
from the 15th-16th centuries: the logothetes Şendrea, Ioan Tăutu, the hatman
Luca Arbore – along with the portraits of logothete Teodor Bubuiog, hatman
Daniil, and treasurer Gavriil Totuşan. Their votive paintings reflect social,
political, biographical and religious aspects. They also have a great
documentary value. As partners, the Moldavian boyars of those times, similar to
those of Wallachia, displayed their personal aspirations and ideals in the
paintings of their foundations - in the votive paintings, as well as in some
themes from the iconographic program. LAURA TURCAN |