Valeriu Anania “Talking to Gheorghe Cunescu” The article describes aspects of writer Valeriu Anania’s biography and
literary creation as they result from an interview made by Gheorghe Cunescu in
1972 and published in the magazine “Vatra”. The interview was re-published in
the volume “Out of the Foams of the Sea. Pages on Religion and Culture”. In the
fi rst part of the interview, the poet is asked to introduce himself; in the
next fragment, Valeriu Anania tells about his poetic and dramaturgical debuts.
In the next part of the interview, the author talks about the origin of the
myth of Master-builder Manole, but also about the symbolism of his work, Star
of Aurochs. At the end of the interview, Valeriu Anania, provoked by G.
Cunescu, speaks about the phenomenon of Romanian culture and literature more or
less present in the States. CRISTINA ELENA SAFTA |