The table of Brâncuşi by Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania The article analyzes the religious dimension in Valeriu Anania’s lyrical creation. The case study is The Table of Brâncuşi, a poem containing religious elements specific to the Last Supper, which allows a parallel with the Christian biblical accounts, expressing the tragedy of betrayal of one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. The poem title The Table of Brâncuşi refers to the work of the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuşi. The Table of Silence, as part of the homage monuments, was created in honor of the heroes who died in the First World War. The twelve sandglass-shaped chairs circling the round table symbolize the time, but in Anania’s poem they evoke the twelve apostles sitting around Jesus Christ. CRISTINA ELENA SAFTA |