"In the historiography dedicated to religious union, the works of the historian Silviu Dragomir
represent reference contributions" This interview with university professor Sorin Șipoș is given in the context of the 130th
anniversary of the historian Silviu Dragomir's birth. His impressive personality is highlighted
by Sorin Șipoș, who researched his life and work and published his thesis dedicated to the
historian Dragomir. The author of the interview talks about the circumstances that led him to
write a monograph dedicated to the historian Dragomir, then tells briefly about the historian's
family and childhood, his affiliation to the Orthodox Church, his teaching and political career,
his incarceration by the communist regime, his security file, his contribution in the Romanian
historiography, especially that related to his monograph on Avram Iancu, the religious union of
Transylvanian Romanians with Rome. ION ALEXANDRU MIZGAN |