The contribution of the Hunedoara Church to the Great Union 1914 was a turning point in Europe’s history, marking the debut of the “Great War”; annexed to Hungary, Transylvania was, as such, engaged in a struggle that did not belong to it. After August 15/28, 1916, the date of Romania’s entry into war with the forces of the Entente, the drama of the Transylvanian Romanians became more pronounced; the brothers on the two slopes of the Carpathians were no longer on the same side of the barricade, but fighting against each other. During the difficult years of the World War I, the Orthodox and Greco-Catholic Church of Hunedoara also made its own sacrifice: slaughtered and destroyed churches, deported priests, enlisted in the army or forced to leave, wandering beyond the Carpathians. But the great day of the Union came! On December 1, 1918, about 20,000 peoples of Hunedoara, led by their priests, went to Alba Iulia and cried out in one voice: “We want to unite with Romania!” FLORIN DOBREI |