TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The implications of the Christian discipleship reflected in four of Jesus Christ’s missionary speeches
This article concerns some of the implications of the Christian discipleship reflected in four of Jesus Christ’s missionary speeches. Here, I am referring to the speech of the Light of the World (John8:12-59), The Good Shepherd speeche (John 10:1-21), Jesus’ Prophetic speech to His Disciples (Mark 13; Mathew 24:1-25:46; Luke 21:5-36) and, not ultimately, the theological speech of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Eucharist seen as the main goal or purpose of the mission (John 6:22-71). All these speeches contain references to the implications of the discipleship which any Christian have to assume, if he/she wants to be an authentic missionary. Whether we talk about the light that every missionary must emanate into the world, or about the love and sacrifice of a true shepherd for his parish, or the continuous vigilance of the members of the Church, or about the necessity for communion with the Holy Trinity through the Holy Eucharist Sacrament, they all converge to a fruitful and effective missionary act.