Apologetic Incursions in the History of Romanian Spirituality. Arguments of a
dialogue between faith, philosophy and culture Our short research aims at highlighting some of the most important aspects of
defining the concept of “Romanian philosophy”. In this sense we see a concrete
identifycation of the most important artisans of the “Romanian spirit”. The
oldest of them, the great philosopher Aeticus Histricus, is revealed as a true
promoter and synthesizer of the “ sciences of the soul“. From him, an
interesting “Cosmology” has been preserved, which the great scholar
Metropolitan Nestor Vornicescu speaks of in great detail. Further on, following
the philosophy of Constantin Noica’s thinking, we try to discover the
profoundly authentic value of the three personified axiological guiding marks
of thinking about the “Romanian soul”: Neagoe Basarab, Dimitrie Cantemir and
Lucian Blaga. The last one, together with his philosophical system, represents,
in fact, the largest part of our analysis. But before Blaga, we approached the
generous theme of Eminescu’s poetry, especially following Christian and moral
religious ideas. The last part of the research is an apologetic analysis of the
famous Stăniloae-Blaga dispute over “Religion and Spirit”. IONIŢĂ APOSTOLACHE |