TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The churched boyar

DAN CIACHIR, The churched boyar
Article evokes the personality of Alexander Paleologu man culture and the meetings of the author
with him. Alexandru Paleologu appears as a distinguished man, very cultivated and with a mature
faith, who cherished the Church and its ordinances; he nurtured an appreciation extended to admiration
for Father Stăniloae; he had a close relationship with the Metropolitan Bartolomeu Anania;
he differed radically from most contemporary Romanian writers and intellectuals by his attitude
towards Russia, which he considered a European country, valuing its secular culture.
Outstanding personality, Alexandru Paleologu was noted both for his culture and for the closeness
between him and the Church.
KEYWORDS: Alexandru Paleologu, mitropolitan Bartolomeu Anania, Church, culture