Claudia Procula – an unexpected presence in the drama of the Passion
VIOLETA DANCIU, Claudia Procula – an unexpected presence in the drama of the Passion Procula exists because of her dream and, above all, because of her determination to make this dream known to her husband. The privilege of being chosen as the recipient of a sign is what gave life to this character, and her life, until hard evidence or written records that must exist somewhere are discovered, is just a guess. Only one event and one record, with no other parallel places to confi rm the reality or the objectivity of this account of what happened. Without verse 19 of chapter 27 from the Gospel of Matthew, nobody would have asked if Pilate had a wife or if she had something to say about Jesus Christ. She could have forever remain a secret follower of Christ or ignorant of Him. Matthew brings to light the vague image of this woman, which he outlines only by suggestions and not by clear accents, and then gives her a place in history, secondary it is true, but memorable, just as he had done with the myrrh-bearing woman from Bethany. The episode inserted by the evangelist Matthew in 27:19 is not the story of a failed attempt, but he immediately fi nds his answer in the equally intriguing episode of Pilates washing of hands, and a second answer in the prospect of opening the dialogue between God and the Gentiles. KEYWORDS: Claudia Proclua, Pontius Pilate, the Savior’s trial, the Lord’s Passion, Claudiei Procula’s dream, Matthew 27:19 VIOLETA DANCIU |