TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Voiculescu Destiny: Between doctor for the humble and the quest for divinity

LUMINIŢA POP, Voiculescu Destiny: Between doctor for the humble and the quest for divinity
Vasile Voiculescu was one of the most complex personalities of the Romanian interwar cultural
landscape, being a poet, a writer of short stories and novels, medical practitioner, radio man, and
not lastly, political prisoner. A life full of meaning, especially that in all aspects he always put fi rst the
one next to him, applying in his daily life the divine commandment of loving his neighbor. Through
this biographical sketch we wish to emphasize the exceptional destiny of a man who never ceased,
even in the most adverse conditions, to seek the divinity in all of its epiphanic manifestations.
Keywords: Unmercenary physician, existential diagnostic, intellectual humility, Burning Bush,
imprisonment, cultural promoter