TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Dogma and morality in the works of elder Sophrony

NICOLAOS KOIOU, Dogma and morality in the works of elder Sophrony
The hall Eastern Orthodox Tradition, as it is expressed in the texts of the Holy Fathers, testifi es to
the unbreakable unity of dogma and ethos-morality. This unity can be found easily in all the theological
texts of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov, who is considered as an authentic successor of
the Orthodox tradition. According to his teachings, the Orthodox faith constitutes the foundation
for the Orthodox ethos (morality) and visa versa. The dogmas of the Church do not only express
its truth, but they also demonstrate the Orthodox way of life of the members of the Church. The
moral virtues of love and humility express the ethical meaning of the triadological and christological
KEYWORDS: elder Sophrony, dogma, morality, Church