TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Bishop Nicolae Colan of Vad, Feleac and Cluj (1936-1957): Theologian and
scholar – general assessments –

ALEXANDRU MORARU, Bishop Nicolae Colan of Vad, Feleac and Cluj (1936-1957): Theologian and
scholar – general assessments –
In this study, the author evokes important moments in the life and work of Bishop Nicolae Colan of Cluj
in the period 1936- 1957; he also shows that the bishop of Cluj was a good teacher, theologian, scholar,
missionary bishop, Minister of National Education, Religion and Arts (1938-1939), honorary member
(1938) and member of the Romanian Academy (1943); between 1957-1967 he was Archbishop of Sibiu
and Metropolitan of Transylvania. He died on April 15, 1967 in Sibiu and was buried fi rst at Răşinari,
jud. Sibiu, later being moved into the crypt of bishops at Sambata de Sus Monastery, jud. Braşov.
KEYWORDS: Nicolae Colan, Bishop, Cluj, Archbishop, Metropolitan, Sibiu, theologian, scholar.