TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Hesychasm, monasticism and philokalic tradition. Father Andrei Scrima’s
hermeneutics of Eastern Christian spirituality. Part I.

VALENTIN CIOVEIE, Hesychasm, monasticism and philokalic tradition. Father Andrei Scrima’s
hermeneutics of Eastern Christian spirituality. Part I.
The article presents the prospect of Archimandrite Andrei Scrima (1925-2000) on monasticism,
hesychasm and philokalic culture as it was revealed in many texts, of which only some are published.
Central to this perspective is the difference between a sedentary spiritual type provided by
an ephemeral reality, caught in organizing a local context, and the eschatological type of the foreign and fl eeting from any mundane context or infl exible ecclesial aspects, that embodies the virtue of
Christ’s universal love. Compared to other Christians, the monk does not belong to another existential
category, but his plenar life in Christ’s mystery differentiate him, without separation, from
KEYWORDS: Father Andrei Scrima, monasticism, hesychasm, Filocalia, spirituality