Summit in Havana
BORIS BUZILĂ, Summit in Havana Before it was even held, the meeting between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis was considered “historical” and apparently will remain so. At the same time, since the day it was announced, it became a “story” generator. Although the time to the unexpectedly announced meeting was very short, church historians from the secular world and “experts” analysts were able to expose and convey their own interpretation for the “preliminary” of the meeting in Havana, how it happened. The course of the meeting and especially the joint statement, released at the end, created the opportunity for the transition from assumptions and “stories” to applied analysis. A thorough, consistent and objective analysis of the event was delivered by the famous expert in “religiology” Aleksandr Soldatov and was published in the “triweekly” Novaya Gazeta in Moscow, February 10, 2016. KEYWORDS: Pope Francis, Patriarch Kirill, summit in Havana, Aleksandr Soldatov, Joint Statement BORIS BUZILĂ |