Bishop Nicolae Ivan, the Metropolitan Cathedral’s choir and its conductors
VASILE STANCIU, Bishop Nicolae Ivan, the Metropolitan Cathedral’s choir and its conductors Among the outstanding achievements of Bishop Nicolae Ivan, since he was appointed bishop at Cluj, along with the Theological Academy, the Archdiocesan Residence, the Cathedral and the journal Renasterea, there is also the establishment, with his blessing, of the Diocese’s Choir. The study presents the work of this choir and the musicians who have patronized it: Vasile Petraşcu, Gheorghe Dima, Patriciu Curea, Augustin Bena, Laurentiu Curea, Ioan Brie, Vasile Stanciu. During its 94 years of activity, the choir was composed of real musicians, who graduated in music, who have worked or still work at the State Philharmonic “Transylvania” and the Romanian Opera. KEYWORDS: Bishop Nicolae Ivan, Cluj Diocese’s Choir, Vasile Petraşcu, Gheorghe Dima, Patriciu Curea, Augustin Bena, Laurentiu Curea, Ioan Brie, Vasile Stanciu. VASILE STANCIU |