Liliana-Elena Boamfă, The Spirit as a renewing power - our joy and teacher on the road to eternity
Liliana-Elena Boamfă, The Spirit as a renewing power - our joy and teacher on the road to eternity The text is a theological commentary with patristic and spiritual argument, of the verse 11 of Psalm 50. The Prophet David, therefore, asks from God to build for him a pure heart in order to show that as no one can build other than God, so the heart can be made clean by no other than him. By „pure heart” and „right spirit” the prophet David wants to unchain from the reality of sin that prevents him from seeing the good that God loves, and he wants a new life where the light of the knowledge of God waters his soul thirsty for it.
Keywords: Spirit, Psalm 50, „pure heart” „right spirit” LILIANA-ELENA BOAMFĂ |