Methodological and dogmatic issues in the debate between Dumitru Stăniloae and Lucian Blaga
The present study aims to analyze the dispute between Dumitru Stăniloae and Lucian Blaga, emphasizing the causes of the controversy (theological, subjective and methodological reasons) and also the shortcomings of this dialogue. Dumitru Stăniloae felt compelled to take a stand as the director of the Romanian Telegraph and as the rector of the Theological Academy Andrei Saguna against Blaga`s book, Religion and spirit, where the author denied the divinity of Jesus Christ and defined religion as a selftotalizing fiction, subject to stylistic determinations. The conflict between the two was in fact the rupture that occurred between philosophy and theology along with modernity and especially autonomy of human thought.
Keywords: Stăniloae, Blaga, polemic, theology, philosophy, orthodoxy, dogma LAURA TURCAN |