Highlights on an (attempt) of a philokalic approach of the relationship between theology and science
Hermeneutical positions of contemporary investigation of the relationship between religion and science are often very different from what constitutes the natural order of such an approach within the ecclesial space. Living the reality of faith in Christ, one becomes conscious that these relations, in so far as they interpellate you, they do it because they are intimately related (and expressed by) the act of living. An abstract theorizing on the relations mentioned above may circumscribe them, in a reductionist way, within the discourse space.. An abstract theorizing on the relations mentioned above may to be circumscribe in space reductionist discourse. Aware, however, that life transcends discourse, may it be scientific, philosophical, metaphysical or theological, we rather propose to decipher them through the philokalic reading as a potential path breaker for spiritual meaning and horizon. The result promises to be different from the simple product of scientific research (similar to an academic discipline approach) as far as it is theologically accountable for experimenting the uncreated within the created, specifically the work of scientific expertise related to the presence of the working divine grace, specific to spiritual life. For those anchored mainly in the area of sciences, the combination of the word "Philokalia" with the relationship between theology and science may seem, at first glance, irrelevant. They are, however, familiar with a "beautiful love" lived out in a concern to understand the world. They contemplate it with awe in discovering the laws that govern both the "surface", accessible to us through the senses, as well as the depths of the micro and macro infinity . This "philokalic" in the area of science we assert as a potential path breaker towards a spiritual contemplation of the reasons of creation (which send us doxologically to the divine Reason) for which the spiritual "philokalic" strengthens us. We believe that the dialogue between theology and science, where there was an ecclesial interest, was assumed from within the spiritual life.
Keywords: theology, science, Philokalia, dialogue