TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Mr. Paleologu 

This text is an evocation of Alexandru Paleologu as writer and man of culture. Emblematic personality of the Romanian society, Alexandru Paleologu ws an aristocrat of the spirit, his noble character, his vast culture and his spirit sometimes rebellious, but also a living example of the norms and codes of the interwar period made ​​him very appealing to the young in a time when authentic human models were ostracized. The fascinating power of Alexander Paleologu came from his refusal to adapt, a refusal not without humor, but almost organic. Paleologu loved life and that was what made him different from most of the other intellectuals, sterilized by scholarly empty airs.
Keywords: Alexandru Paleologu, Nicu Steinhardt, the interwars spirit, woman, Nae Ionescu