The Divine Eucharist as a virtue in the life of the faithful and in the Church`s mission
Orthodox Church places the Divine Eucharist in the center of the spiritual life of the faithful as concrete and effective possibility of union with Jesus Christ and of collaboration of human nature with divine grace in the christian moral acts. Divine Eucharist affirm itself dynamically as christian virtue towards the perfection of the spiritual life in ecclesiastical and cosmic communion permeated by the work of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But, as a virtue, the Divine Eucharist requires that, while sharing from the source of grace (meaning Christ who was dead, risen and ascended to glory), we add to it our constant striving to always make alive and active our thanks and gratitude to God for the great gift of redemption He offered us as permanent sacrifice and resurrection in the eternal communion of the Trinity. In this way we define, address and deepen the meaning of Eucharist`s virtue in the believer`s life and the Church`s mission, that of restoring the life of God in the world of sin. Keywords: Eucharist, virtue, thankful, communion, asceticism, cosmic liturgy, education SORIN COSMA |