Phenomenology of the Holy Eucharist: Participation and distance
Nicolae Turcan, Phenomenology of the Holy Eucharist: Participation and distance The text examines the Eucharist from the Orthodox liturgical experience, including two paradoxical attitudes: on one hand, participation in the Sacrament of the Church with the exuberant joy of a religious experience; on the other hand, emphasizing the distance which often implies itself transforming the Eucharist in a poor phenomenon, together with human unworthiness. Poor phenomenon of the Eucharist is the case of atheism, religious indifference and theological ignorance, and this is an extreme case. The phenomenon of true liturgical experience of communion with the Body and Blood of Christ has different intensities, depending on the worthiness of each participant. The conclusion of this text is that between the two extreme attitudes are countless situations, each of them being the measure of the individual`s participation in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Keywords: Holy Eucharist, liturgical experience, distance, saturated phenomenon, poor phenomenon NICOLAE TURCAN |