Thoughts on the icon as theo- anthropology
Theology of the icon bases its content and meaning on the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God for the fulfillment of the divine plan concerning man and along him, the whole universe. The patristic statement `God became man so that man might become God` has its correspondence in the enunciation of St. Mark the Ascetic, according to which: `The Word became flesh for the flesh to become word.` Or, transfering this into the plan of divine and human creation, we can evoke an organic relationship between the divine Logos and the human poetic logos, under the theandric condition of God - the Man and the Human tending by similarity to deification. A corresponding relation of transfiguration occurs on the iconic plane from the very moment of His Incarnation, when God allowed people to see His Archeimage through His Son; then, an existential relationship was established between the prototype of Christ and His image in the icon, left on the veil of Saint Veronica and then transposed by erminia memory and by the spiritual effort and technical labor of similarity carried out by the gifted painter.
Keywords: icon, Incarnation, creation, deification, prototype