Who is Jesus Christ?
Who is Jesus was the question that arised at His birth from the Virgin Mary, during His earthly life and work, at His Resurrection and after His Ascension over the centuries. Our life and future depend on the answer to this question, answer that we give ourselves first and then in front of our peers. The answer is partly and mysteriously anticipated in the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament historical revelation, from the first good news at the man`s entrance in history, fallen from communion with God in the slavery of the world, of corruption, of sin and death, slavery which will produce much suffering throughout human history. Not even in this state, God does not forsake man. Harmonious order of creation that keeps together the natural world to the supernatural one, based on the existence and work of the Logos - which contemporary christology deliberately ignores because of earthly interests - has allowed the Eastern Church to keep the image of Christ as God and man intact over the centuries, exactly as received from the Apostles.
Keywords: Jesus Christ, the prophets, the fall of man, waiting, redemption, eschatology VALER BEL |