Poetry of Traian Dorz between actuality and immortality. A few reflections on its theological aspects
This text presents some reflections on the relevant theological aspects in the works of the poet Traian Dorz, an outstanding member of the movement The Army of the Lord. The author emphasizes the poetical genius of Traian Dorz, analysing then some aspects regarding Christology, Sin and Repentance, the Mariology of his poems, respectively the theme of Eschatology and the thought of death. Studying the lyric of Traian Dorz, it is rather difficult to determine the parity ratio between the value of the work and the tragedy of the poet`s existence itself, otherwise a life ripped and torn by the impacable fangs of suffering, probably, who knows, just to present himself as pure bread before Christ.
Keywords: Traian Dorz, poetry, The Army of the Lord, theological aspects CĂTĂLIN VARGA |