Father Dumitru Staniloae - friend of the word, maker of theological words
This text can be considered, in a way, a theological joke. But only in a way, because its implications and the contents are very serious. I simply got titles and subtitles of Dumitru Staniloae`s works (see bibliographic references) and put them in a specific order, according to a thematic logics, which I thought appropriate (with an implicit note of subjectivity). Of course, other arrangements can be made, all the more so as some formulations have many thematics. Proposed themes can be noticed at the beginning of paragraphs marked in bold. I have also edited in bold those expressions which seemed impressive (by genius, aforistic character, beauty, originality etc. ). It should be noted that behind each formulation there are many pages of elaboration, of a beauty and a depth that are beyond comparison.
Keywords: Dumitru Staniloae, titles, works, theological depth COSTION NICOLESCU |